Journalist for Pikiran Rakyat experienced intimidation while covering demonstration at the regional people's representative council (DPRD) building, in the city of Bandung, Thursday, August 22 2024.
The intimidation was carried out by five unknown man at around 19.00 p.m. One of the man pointed at them and said "recording what ?" They carry bamboo sticks.
He and his colleague passed Jl. Trunojoyo headed to the parking lot near the DPRD building. Five man then surrounded the journalist, interrogated him, and tried to confiscate his cell phone. One of them also wanted to snatch the journalists' identity cards.
Journalist was forced to delete all the video files he recorded while covering the demonstration. One of them then hit the journalist's head and hands with a bamboo stick. Luckily the journalist was still wearing a helmet that protected his head.