A Videographer, Female Citizen Journalist Banned from Interviewing Protestors


On December 5, 2024, a male videographer from CamboJA News and a female citizen journalist were banned from interviewing and filming 100 citizens who gathered in front of the Phnom Penh City Hall to demand Governor Khoung Sreng to expedite the issuance of land title.
According to the video journalist, an official from the city hall suddenly arrived and stopped the residents from talking to them while he was filming the interview.
The official claimed that the journalists were working for political purposes. In the video shared with CamboJA’s team, the official was seen shouting and pointing at the video journalist to turn off his camera.
The journalist said the official shouted at him twice which scared them and decided to turn the camera off to protect the safety.

Number of attacked persons or entities related to media
Do they work as freelance or media?
Position in media
Status of journalists
Phnom Penh Capital
Full name or name of group
Attack mention about gender background/sexual wording?
Date of incident
Type of incident
Verbal Intimidation
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CamboJA interviewed with affected journalists