Two online journalists from LSN were arrested and detained for questioning by the Takeo provincial authority, accusing them of incitement and discrimination for reporting live on Facebook about the lack of water for irrigation in Angkor Borei district, which authorities declared as “fake news”.
They were arrested by the provincial police on May 13, 2024, and detained for two nights at the provincial police headquarters for questioning.
Separately, Angkor Borei district administration and Takeo provincial police issued a statement on May 14 and May 15, saying that the live report on Facebook was not true. They said the story was created by journalists to confuse the public, impacting the image of authorities.
Takeo provincial police accused the journalists of incitement and discrimination which caused chaos by making up fake news.
According to the statement, the journalists have another court case in the provincial court, brought against them by the Takeo provincial administration, for allegedly disseminating false information.
Both the journalists were sent to the provincial court on May 15, 2024, and released later that day.
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Criminal lawsuit/charge: Identify which criminal lawsuit use for this case including defamation, fake-news, publication, etc)
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