Reporting of the ceremony, Tribun Palu journalist's phone was destroyed
Journalist for Tribun Palu Regina Goldie Jolinda Amoreka, experienced violence while covering the ceremony for the 77th Anniversary of the Proclamation, on Wednesday, August 17 2022 at the Palu City Mayor's office.
Jolinda did coverage and live streaming at the location of the ceremony. At that time, she directly reported the procedure. During the live streaming, the victim's position was with a group of other journalists. However, for that reason, she moved to a position near the invitation ceremony, by first asking permission from the civil service police unit officers.
The officer then asked Jolinda to move to the Palu City Kominfo employee group, who did the reporting. While reporting the flag-raising complaint, suddenly a member of the civil service police unit immediately pulled the victim's celluler phone from behind causing it to fall to the ground.
In fact, before pulling the victim's cell phone, the shoulder of this female journalist had grabbed the person. This mobile phone snatching action made the victim shocked and cried. The victim's phone was also damaged.