The United Sulawesi Student and Youth Alliance held a demonstration in front of the Makassar Bureau of Kompas, on Thursday, July 25 2024.
The alliance is the supporter of former Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo who was sentenced to 12 years in prison by a Jakarta corruption court judge.
They claimed that Kompas TV had slandered its members. Both have been named as suspects by the police. They demanded that the Kompas TV journalist withdraw his report to the police.
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South Sulawesi
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The United of Sulawesi Student and Youth Alliance held demonstration in front of the Makassar Kompas bureau office, on Thursday, July 25 2024.
The alliance is supporter of former Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo who was sentenced to 12 years in prison by a judge at a corruption crime court in Jakarta.
They claimed that Kompas TV had slandered and intimidated one of its members, M Nasrun Mantja and Saparuddin at a trial in Jakarta court, involving Kompas TV journalist.
Both have been named as suspects by the police. They demanded that the journalist of Kompas TV retract his report at police.
The alliance is supporter of former Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo who was sentenced to 12 years in prison by a judge at a corruption crime court in Jakarta.
They claimed that Kompas TV had slandered and intimidated one of its members, M Nasrun Mantja and Saparuddin at a trial in Jakarta court, involving Kompas TV journalist.
Both have been named as suspects by the police. They demanded that the journalist of Kompas TV retract his report at police.