Journalists sued for defamation and incitement for reporting on land clearing in Pursat


Four online media outlets were sued for defamation and incitement to discrimination by local authorities in Pursat province after reporting on apparently illegal land clearing in Samkok wildlife sanctuary.
Four media outlets, including Phally News, BSN, Ray Phon and UKK News, reported on the land clearing in Samkok wildlife sanctuary in Pursat province’s Veal Veng district since February. The reports were published as articles and videos.
On February 22, the provincial environmental department issued a statement claiming the reports were not true and ordered the media outlets to issue corrections.
The provincial court on May 16 said it had received complaints filed by three people suing four media outlets for defamation and incitement to discrimination and ordered an investigation into the identities of the media owners for potential legal proceedings.
According to the court’s statement, the media institutions were sued by three people, named Kon Khanda, the first deputy chief of Karpeu Pir commune; Yem Sam Bul, the commune clerk; and Sat Sokea, whose position is unclear.
So far, only one online journalist from Ray Phon was summoned for questioning, on June 11, by provincial court.
Phally News, in its report on February 21, linked the land clearing to local environmental authorities and provincial officials. ( The article did not mention the name of the three people who filed complaints against the outlet.
The owner of Phally News told CamboJA on June 5 that he did not know his institution had been sued until he saw the provincial court’s warrant ordering an investigation.
On May 29, the media outlet issued a clarification defending the veracity of its reporting. However, the owner said he was willing to change or remove the story.
“What I published is true. I'm like an egg versus the stone, so I am willing to lose because I want to save my license. If I am stubborn, they can complain to the information minister as well,” he said.
The owner of BSN told CamboJA on June 6 that he reported at least five videos about the land clearing from February to April.
However, until the end of June, both Phally News and BSN had not been summoned by court in this case yet.

Number of attacked persons or entities related to media
Do they work as freelance or media?
Position in media
Status of journalists
Full name or name of group
The name of perpetrator (individual/group)
Korn Kanda (commune 1st deputy chief), Yem Sambol (commune clerk) and Sat Sokea
Attack mention about gender background/sexual wording?
Date of incident
Type of incident
Criminal lawsuit/charge: Defamation
Please type the data source here (text)
Court searching warrants and CamboJA interviewed with affected journalists