journalist Desi Wahyuni was intimidated on Wednesday, 12 July 2023. That day, journalists were assigned to cover irregularities in New Student Admissions (PPDB) which were prone to extortion and data irregularities.
Journalists then conducted an investigation at Public Junior High School (SMPN) 1 Klapanunggal, Bogor Regency.
This reporting is done so that the public can obtain information regarding the process of admitting new students. Journalists received initial information regarding the alleged illegal fees that occurred at SMPN 1 Klapanunggal, because several individuals asked for a certain amount of money to become students at the school.
The journalist was present at the school and pretended to be the guardian of a student who was currently re-enrolling. At that time journalists felt that something was wrong, because there were two separate groups of student guardians in the re-registration of students.
The journalist then entered a room at the school with several other guardians. The journalist covering the investigation then used his cell phone to record the interview and the atmosphere at the school.
Journalists admitted that the committee/teachers once returned some money to the parents of the students, with the reason that currently they are under a lot of scrutiny from various parties including the press.
However, it was recently discovered that the journalist's activities led to an argument with one of the teachers with the initials S.
The journalist's cellphone was then forcibly confiscated by the person concerned, and they asked him to immediately delete the recorded images and conversations related to the alleged extortion.
Not only that, some teachers also asked the victim to delete the video on his cell phone.
The victim explained that journalistic work is protected by law. However, journalists feel cornered, unable to do much, and are forced to delete video evidence and images that have been recorded.