Correspondent of Molluca TV in Ambon, Sofyan Muhammadiyah, experienced violence while covering a student demonstration demanding that the Governor of Maluku be responsible for several development problems in that area.The demonstration took place at Namlea, Buru Regency on Saturday, 9 July 2022.
That day, a group of students held speeches and demonstrations demanding that the Governor of Maluku be responsible for several development issues.
The Governor of Maluku, Murad Ismail was present to inaugurate the Merah Putih Harbor in Namlea.
The Governor was present with a number of Regional Apparatus Organizations he led. The governor initially did not respond to the demonstration, but suddenly he stood up and challenged the students to give speeches. Whereas previously, Sofyan had introduced himself as a TV journalist for Molluca assigned to Namlea.
"Unfortunately if enter here we will (fight). We have been like this for a long time," he said.
Seeing the governor's actions at that time, the correspondent Molluca TV then captured the situation using his phone. However, Sofyan's move was then blocked by the governor's aide, I Ketut Wardana. The aide immediately confiscated Sofyan's phone, and the recording containing a call to fight against the demonstrators was deleted.