Covering Floods, Journalists Receive Death Threats


Several journalists in Malacca, East Nusa Tenggara received threats while covering activities trying to cross rivers and streams in Nunponi village, East Malaka sub-district, Malacca district, NTT, Saturday, March 9 2024.

That day, rivers and streams in the area overflowed, disrupting residents' access to their activities.

Several school children were also seen daring to break through the floodwaters to cross the river. Some other residents lifted their motorbikes. This is because the connecting bridge in that area was broken.

Meanwhile, the local government has not taken the initiative to repair or build a bridge at that location.

Stefanus Dile Patong, an Inews TV journalist who was present to cover this condition, also recorded the activities of residents who were determined to break through the flood. Journalists then saw the ambulance embedded in the mud. This condition was also recorded.

However, the Head of the Babulu Community Health Center, Gaspar Taolin, prohibited this condition reported.

"Don't write, I'll kill you all," said Gaspar to journalists.

Number of attacked persons or entities related to media
Do they work as freelance or media?
Position in media
Status of journalists
East Nusa Tenggara
Full name or name of group
The name of perpetrator (individual/group)
Gaspar Taolin
Attack mention about gender background/sexual wording?
Date of incident
Type of incident
Verbal Intimidation