CNN Indonesia Journalist Experienced Terror


Journalist for CNN RM experienced terror via telephone and whatsapp on Tuesday evening, on August 20 2024.

Previously, journalists would report further regarding the underage online prostitution network in Surabaya. This case was released by the Surabaya Police in May 2024, and the report has been published.

Journalist received information regarding the existence of a new network, related to online underage prostitution, which is still related to the previous group.

RM received Gunawan's contact number and contacted him, claiming to be a guest or customer.

However, at that time Gunawan asked for payment. The journalist refused and canceled the interview plan.

That evening at around 21.00 WIB, journalists were contacted by someone named Indra Wijaya who claimed to be a police officer. this man threatened to report RM under the ITE Law because he had contacted Gunawan.

It was explained that the action was for necessity
reporting, he even threatened to come to the journalist's house and carry out doxing or spread the journalist's personal identity on social media.

After that, the journalist received several calls and chats from an unknown number via WhatsApp informing him that the journalist's photo had gone viral on social media.

Number of attacked persons or entities related to media
Do they work as freelance or media?
Position in media
Status of journalists
East Java
Full name or name of group
The name of perpetrator (individual/group)
Indra Wijaya
Background (state actor or non state actor)
Attack mention about gender background/sexual wording?
Date of incident
Type of incident
Verbal Intimidation