Chief Editor of Rakyat Bengkulu Answered the Police Summons as Witness


Editor-in-Chief of Rakyat Bengkulu answered the summons of the Bengkulu Regional Police as witnesses, regarding the news "UNIHAZ Gaduh" which was published in May 2023.

The report informed that Nediyanto Ramadhan SH, MH, reported the alleged corruption of the UNIHAZ Chancellor to the Bengkulu Prosecutor's Office, on April 17 2023.

The Bengkulu Regional Police then summoned journalists and the chief editor of Rakyat Bengkulu, to ask about the process of making the news.

Because there was a report of alleged defamation, which was reported by the UNIHAZ chancellor's lawyer and used several news stories in the media as references.

On Tuesday, February 6 2024, at around 9.00 am, journalists and the editor-in-chief of Rakyat Bengkulu, came to the Bengkulu Regional Police.

At that time, the police asked about the news production process, as well as where to get the information regarding Nediyanto's report to the Bengkulu Prosecutor's Office.

The Editor-in-Chief then explained that the information was distributed by journalists in the Whatsapp group accompanied by several documents. Journalist were then asked to confirm with several related sources.

At that time, investigators said that the journalistic product was evidence related to the defamation report.

Number of attacked persons or entities related to media
Do they work as freelance or media?
Position in media
Status of journalists
Full name or name of group
The name of perpetrator (individual/group)
Bengkulu Regional Police
Attack mention about gender background/sexual wording?
Date of incident
Type of incident